When it comes to keeping your dog warm in the Aussie winter, the good news is that the colder months aren’t nearly as freezing cold down under! But, our pups can still get cold during the winter, so what can we do to keep them warm?
We’ll go over the average temperatures throughout Australia from June to August to determine how cold it gets in various regions. Then, we’ll discuss how you can keep your pup warm through the winter and how much of the cold your Porch Potty can withstand.
Let’s dig into these cosy tips and tricks!
Where in Oz Does It Get Cold?
The good news is that the colder temperatures in June through August don’t get below freezing in most of Australia. Few places get a heaping amount of snow, so you don’t have to worry about your dog getting too cold.
Snowfall mainly occurs within the regions of New South Wales’s Snowy Mountains, the Alpine Region of Victoria, and the mountainous areas of Tasmania.
Throughout the country's northern regions, the temperature during the winter months typically doesn’t drop below 24° Celcius. However, the temperature will fluctuate, so keep some extra layers on hand for you and your pup before you head outside.
The Central Australian Regions stay warm during the winter months with temperatures between 18° to 24° Celcius. But, again, it’s still a great idea to bring extra layers of clothing in case the temperature drops, especially with the bitter breeze!
In the southernmost regions, temperatures remain within 12-18° Celcius. However, the nights can get colder, so you'll need to keep your pup warm with extra layers and blankets when you settle in for bed.

The areas of Australia where temperatures are at their coldest during the winter months are the more mountainous regions throughout the country. The temperatures here can drop as low as 6° Celcius. Still, it's unlikely that many people or pups live nearby these mountainous areas.
How to Keep Your Pup Warm and Toasty This Winter
No matter which region you live in, your pup is bound to get cold when the temperatures drop.
First, allow your dog to sleep inside your living space. Although most pawrents already do this and wouldn't think to put their dog outside to sleep, it's worth repeating for anyone who doesn't know the danger of the dog getting sick from the cold. Other risks like predators could be lurking outside at night as well, so keep your dog safe and secure inside with you.

Next, make sure you have a warm and cosy bed for your dog and plenty of blankets to keep them toasty all night. If your dog can get quite cold, especially if they have less fur, consider getting a heated dog bed.
When venturing outside during the day, follow the average temperatures for your region and dress your dog accordingly. For example, they might need a light jacket if they have more fur, but if they have less fur (or no fur), you'll want to find them a proper winter coat.

Will My Porch Potty Be Okay Overnight in the Cold?
Depending on which Porch Potty you have outside, our dog litter box can withstand most cold temperatures. Because Australian winter rarely results in below-freezing temperatures, these potties will be completely okay left out at night.

The indoor puppy potty models with a drainage hose and sprinklers are more affected by freezing temperatures. So, if you feel like it’s colder than usual, let’s break down what you should do for each Porch Potty model.
If you have the Small Porch Potty model or Grass to Go, it can withstand the freezing temperatures the best because these don't have a sprinkler system. Even though the Small model has a self-draining hose, it can withstand freezing temperatures. Grass to Go doesn't have a self-draining hose, so there are no worries about it getting damaged in the cold.
But, if you’re concerned about the dog grass pad getting too cold or the grass surface getting frozen, you can cover it with a blanket or bring it inside to keep it warm. Plus, this way you won’t have to resort to so-called reusable puppy pads that only make a soggy mess on your floor.

Whereas, the Porch Potty is perfect for puppy potty training due to the realistic grass surface and ultimate durability. You’ll have the Porch Potty for much longer than any other puppy pad or grass litter box on the market.
However, suppose you have the Porch Potty Premium model. In that case, you'll need to detach your garden hose that attaches to the sprinkler system. Water freezes at about 0° Celcius, so one of our top tips is to prevent the water in the hose and sprinkler head from freezing. This can cause the sprinkler to crack due to the water freezing and expanding within the garden hose and sprinkler.

The drainage hose shouldn't have any issues in the cold, so you can continue manually watering the grass to rinse it out. Because the water goes down the drainage hose without freezing because it goes down the hose too quickly for the water to freeze.
The winter months Down Under can get cold, but luckily, it's not typically below-freezing levels. So pick up extra layers for you and your pup for your winter outings (Christmas in July, anyone?!). Then, use the tips above to keep your Porch Potty safe when those temperatures drop.
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